There are still gifts to buy. Cookies to bake. Parties, concerts, recitals to attend. A visit to Grandma’s. Plus work and a mile-high mound of laundry. Oh, and the in-laws are coming.
Perhaps it’s time to stop and take a philosophical approach to the holiday craziness: Relax.
That’s the advice of Steven Gimbel, chairman of the philosophy department at Gettysburg College. His street cred on the holidays stems from a blog post for Psychology Today titled, “Can’t Think of a Good Gift? Give a Bad One.”
“The culture sets us up with these false expectations – either for us, or our children or our loved ones – that everything has to be perfect,” Gimbel said.
Just let the holidays happen, he said, by creating time and space to be with your family and friends.
Easier said than done?
Sam Pisano, a licensed professional counselor at Psychological Associates of Lancaster, has some practical tips to reduce holiday-induced stress.
At the top of his list: Take 15 to 30 minutes a day for yourself, just to kick back, read, listen to music or do nothing.
“People push themselves too much,” he said, which can lead to stress-related issues like anxiety, depression or irritability.
Focus on self-care to reduce stress, Pisano said, by taking your relaxation time, getting eight hours of sound sleep and maintaining your exercise routine – 30 minutes a day three or four times per week.